Common types of food intolerances
The most common food intolerances are of 4 types:
⦁ Gluten Intolerance
⦁ Dairy Sensitivity
⦁ Fructose Sensitivity
⦁ Yeast Sensitivity
Gluten Intolerance:
It is a broad term which includes all kinds of sensitivity to gluten. A small proportion (less than 0.5% of the population) of gluten intolerant people will test positive to a coeliac disease test, and so are called coeliacs.
Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance & Coeliac Disease
⦁ Gastro intestinal problems (diarrhea, flatulence and blotting etc.)
⦁ Headache
⦁ Mouth ulcers
⦁ Weight gain or weight loss
⦁ Poor immunity to disease
⦁ Skin conditions such as dermatitis & Eczema
Dairy Sensitivity
It is estimated that up to 75% of the world's population is lactose intolerant to some extent, though very few people (less than 3%) are allergic to Casein (the protein found in milk). This is usually detected in babies but can remain undiagnosed until later.
Lactose intolerance is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme, lactase, needed to digest lactose (milk sugar). Lactose-free and lactose-reduced milk and milk products are available at most supermarkets, Soy milk and other products may be helpful to these people.
Symptoms may include
⦁ nausea
⦁ diarrhea
⦁ bloating
⦁ flatulence
⦁ gastro- intestinal mal absorption
⦁ Casein Intolerance is a milk protein allergy and is likely to be an inherited gene.
⦁ Common allergy symptoms include itchy skin conditions
⦁ GI (gastro-intestinal) and respiratory problems.
Fructose Sensitivity
Fructose Malabsorption is common and affects about 30% of people. Fructose malabsorption occurs when certain special cells (epithelial cells) on the surface of the intestine are not available to assist the digestive process.
Fructose Intolerance is a rare genetic condition where the enzyme for breaking down fructose is not produced. With fructose intolerance it is vital to observe a strict fructose-free diet. Fructose Intolerance affects less than one in 10,000 people.
Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, the major sugar found in milk, and is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme lactase. The food intolerance test detects whether you have intolerance to the proteins in dairy but does not detect the lactase enzyme and therefore cannot diagnose lactose intolerance.
Symptoms of Fructose Sensitivity:
⦁ Flatulence
⦁ Bloating
⦁ Diarrhea
⦁ Fatigue
⦁ Low iron or other nutrient deficiency
⦁ Sugar craving
Yeast Sensitivity
Yeast infection is extremely common. Up to one in three or 35% of people have yeast infections at any time. The Candida yeast organism is normally kept in check by the human immune system. But sometimes, particularly when the immune system is compromised, it will multiply rapidly and overwhelm our systems leading to a variety of unpleasant symptoms – collectively known as Candidiasis or yeast infection.
Hormonal changes in the body, as with hormone therapy, pregnancy and the contraceptive pill can trigger a yeast infection in people whose immune systems are under challenge, Ex. stress. Repeated courses of anti-biotics can also be a trigger.
Symptoms of Yeast Infection
Yeast infection carries the widest spectrum of symptoms of any food sensitivity:
⦁ skin problems like ringworm
⦁ gastro-intestinal problems
⦁ lethargy
⦁ headache
⦁ breathing difficulties,
⦁ mood swings